What am I hoping for? A picture speaks a thousand words. Love, of course. Just try to imagine the mood I'm in, factor in the music I'm listening to, dim lighting, with a hope in my heart.
The power of internet, I must say, is amazing. After countless tries combined with the SET software, and my friend Jai's somewhat unclear hint, I managed to find her on FB!! Well, it certainly took quite an amount of effort. SET here and there, by floor, by last name, FB, Friendster and at last.....at last by chance of an instinct, I yahoo-ed her and appeared an online boutique where her name was there. And so I clicked but still nothing was there. Now thank god for the creating the World. Hence human, hence the internet. And hence the power of sharing blogs with FB. And with a click which links to FB, there she is!
After months and months of staring in the lift, and the unclear glance my friend Jai had on her tag, now I know her name. Hehe am i happy!
Well, Allan K. Chalmers once said, "The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
I guess that is what I'm lacking. I don't even have something to hope for in my life. Ain't that pathetic? And I've been shutting myself from love too much until finally I feel I can't take it anymore. This time around, I think I'll give it a go, my whole go, no matter if it's gonna work out or not, regardless if she's already attached or not. The key word is "try". Never try never know.
I want to feel alive. Feeling alive doing something passionately. Hoping for something passionately. We saw each other again today at MyNews. I could almost caught her taking a glance at me too. The whole day was so dull for me but that moment when I found her name online made me feel good, and I'm still feeling good. Hehe.... I know this may sound corny but there's a line I picked up from "Harold & Kumar". "These 10 seconds I have in the lift with you everyday, it's the best time of my day". Of course I'm not going to say these to her, no....haha. That won't be a very successful pick-up line. So what should I say? "Hey, u wouldn't happen to have an online boutique would ya?" Now that sounds good, yea I think so. But first of all of course, smile to her, smile to her. I mean my online master has been stressing this point to me over and over again.
In the famous words of Derek Lamont, "Smile! Smile to the lady. I cannot stress how important this often ignored gesture is to leaving a good impression in womans' hearts."
Now, seriously, everyone who knows me knows how long I've been shutting myself out from this thing called love. All I do is not get serious and flirt around. And frankly, I'm quite tired of that already. So, this time I'm going to give it my best effort and take a shot at it. For that, God I know I'm not really a believer but bestow upon me some luck to make this happen. :)
Now I guess today's a good post. And I can go to sleep with some hope in my heart, smiling. Hope is what keeps us going. Without it, we're as good as dead... :)