“Why do you need that man? Why didn’t you find someone else to drink with you?”
He said, “Well..”, he laughed “I’m not sick my friend, I think it all has to do with love.”
“Yea, makes sense, but how?”, I asked.
He inhaled his cigarette, paused for a few seconds, and then he said, “You know…in the end, it’s all about love. Ultimately, everyone needs and wants to love and to be loved. Our society had brainwashed us to think that looks is a requirement for love. Ugly girls are brushed aside no matter how perfect their personality is. Ugly and poor guys are even worse. They are defeated twice. Like myself, I’ve met this really cool girl with a cool personality but she’s not pretty. I think twice. That’s the way we have been conditioned to think my friend. To penetrate through that invisible yet harmful ‘glass’, you have to look deep inside yourself and ask ‘What do I really want?’ “
Im trying. He said. And I have been trying hard.
As we were talking, he kept checking on his mobile for messages. Looked busy! I couldn’t help but asked who was he waiting for. He said…”Friends..you know”. I stopped asking. Suddenly he put the receiver over my ears and I heard an automated machine reply saying in Mandarin, ”This is an answering machine, please leave your message after the ring tone. The owner will contact you shortly”. Though I was a million puzzled, I didn’t ask. He lifted up his mug of beer and sipped.
Ahhh…he said…long day at work.
Yea…that’s life. I said…hoping he would satisfy my curiosity on the automated voice machine.
He kept sipping, now lighting up his cigarette.
I broke the silence “So…man…who was that?” I gave him a very puzzled look, the kind where I wouldn’t leave without getting an answer.
Have you been such a busybody all your life? He looked at me, grinning.
Oh cmon man. I said.
“My ex”, he said, “you know the one back in college. It’s the one thing I’ve been wanting to do for 6 years since I last heard from her – to call her – but I didn’t for 6 years.
“Something held me back. It’s been so long I’m not sure anymore what held me back. But at times, I just wish I could know if she’s doing alright, if she’s still alive. Man I wouldn’t know after so many years. She could no longer be alive, who knows.”
Give her a call then man, what the hell? I said.
Yea, that’s what I’m doing now, you blind? What’s the matter with you?
We both laughed.
“You see man, it’s not that I still love her, she could probably be married now. It’s because she was the most passionate love I’ve ever had. Apart from her, I’ve never had anything close. I’m still searching, yearning for the ‘one’ to come by. That’s what makes me still alone. I couldn’t settle for average. Some interpreted it as being too choosy. Well, we all have standards, benchmark you know”.
Yea I guess so. Deep in my heart, I couldn’t agree more. The one most passionate love in your life, ‘vena vidi vici’ (I came I saw I conquered). The ‘one’ conquered us. But then they left. Left us in a daze. Wishing we will wake up again. To walk ourselves out of the maze.
Well………………..he continued, “It gets lonely sometimes my friend, being alone and sometimes I think to just settle for someone, but then when that moment comes, I can’t.
It must have been hard on you pal, I said.
You bet.
So, tonight the talk is all about love.
It was a nice night. 8 mugs of beer all together.
Quote of the day (from Allen) : Frown not, despair not, worry not, for EVENTUALLY, everything will be alright.